***We DO NOT ship kits to collect your samples!***
You will recieve DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS after checkout and via email on how to collect and send in your samples to us!
As long as there is a heart beat, positive and negative energy is produced in the body. When analyzing the hair/swab through a full-body analysis using a muscle response technique, weaknesses in the body’s system are detected. Through a full body work-up, all major organs, nerves, structural, and chiropractic weakness are assessed.
We will text you upon receipt of your samples.
Please allow 7-10 days from receipt of your hair sample(s) to recieve your analysis results via phone call.
*NOTE: Hair Analysis orders DO NOT apply towards the $500 free shipping!
Hair Analysis
***We DO NOT ship kits to collect your samples!***
You will recieve DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS after checkout and via email on how to collect and send in your samples to us!